My Lenten Mission

Wherein I will explore the world's religions in order to figure out how to best express my gratitude to God.

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Location: New York, New York, United States

I was born on the same day that Skylab fell. Coincidence? I don't think so. As a writer, my work has appeared in Elmont Life newspaper, and on the sadly defunct website, I am currently a contributing writer to, a webzine that focuses on geekery from a feminine perspective, and I've recently become a comic writer for I'm currently at work on several fiction projects, including a collection of short stories and a comic. As a geek, I love Star Trek, Lost, comics, and anything Joss Whedon ever touched. I have a tendency to develop fangirl *squee-ing* crushes on writers and am an aspiring fangbanger. Get Twitterpated with me: @teresajusino

Friday, March 03, 2006

Interesting Tidbits...

I believe in God, only I spell it Nature. - Frank Lloyd Wright

I like that quote, I randomly came across a Frank Lloyd Wright quote page today, and I had no idea he was so interesting!

Anyway, the other thing I wanted to record here is this:

I've been reading Homer's Odyssey, and I came across this line in it...

But here's an unlucky wanderer strayed our way
and we must tend him well. Every stranger and beggar
comes from Zeus, and whatever scrap we give him
he'll be glad to get. - Nausicaa in The Odyssey

It reminded me of this:

Whatsoever you do to the least of my brothers
That you do unto me (Matthew 25: 40)

I just found it interesting that this idea of our treatment of the poor being a direct reflection of how we treat God (or the gods) is found in both these places. These are the things I'm trying to find. The connections.

I haven't had time to do the research I've wanted to on Christianity so far...but I am starting to read C.S. Lewis' "Mere Christianity" today along with continuing The Odyssey - as it discusses his take on the similarities between the Christian denominations, which is exactly the idea I'm trying to explore. I'll let you know how that goes...


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